Friday, December 22, 2006

SD's New Home & Other Exciting News...

Well, I'm nearly done decorating my new home, just a touch more here and a couple touches there, but I do believe I'm ready to invite you all in...

So, come and pay me a vist in my brand new
home. This blog will not be deleted, it will remain as is for several reasons, but there will be no more updates posted here, you'll have to come over here for that.

In other news, I'm extremely excited about the January 30th release of...


Release Date: January 30th 2007.

Domination. or Submission? Ménage a trios or Man on Man? What about voyeurism?

A tease? A taste? Sink your teeth into this collection of erotica short stories from 6 top erotic storytellers.

Everyone has them. Those secret thoughts that bring forth your hottest dreams and desires. The ones that you don’t share, the ones that make your heart pound and your blood heat.

What do you fantasize about? In the Secret Thoughts: Erotique collection you’ll find all sorts of deliciously erotic scenes from the naughty minds of
Beth Williamson, JJ Massa, Laura Bacchi, Nix Winter, Sasha White, and S. Desires.

There are some very talented ladies up there and if I were you, I know where I'd be on January 30th.

Posted by SD at 11:35 AM 5 comments

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Well, color me surprised...

Apparently my previous post "An open letter to my lover..." has been chosen for the Decemeber 12th Edition of Fleshbot's Sex Blog Roundup. Seeing as I haven't updated in a month of Sunday's (or longer), it came as a bit of a surprise, a good one, and I'd like to extend my graditude to Fleshbot and Chelsea Girl for the mention. Thanks.

Anyone who's wandered over here from there will notice that there's nothing new to chew on, but if you'll take a moment to browse through my archives I'm sure (or at least I hope) you'll find something tasty to wet your appetite.

In other news, I'm currently in the process of moving (my blog not my person), but I'm not quite done yet. But, when that happy day arrives, you'll be the first to know.

Posted by SD at 7:45 AM 4 comments

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

An open letter to my lover...

Alone in another crowded airport in another foreign city silently cursing the gods of air for the dratted mechanical failure that kept me from you.

God, so close, an hour by air, that's all that separated us.

So, I sat and I waited and I cursed some more as I softly rubbed my tummy to help calm the butterflies working overtime in there, fluttering their wings in wild abandon, and I had to laugh at myself for allowing that silly bout of nerves to creep in on me. And I can not lie, I was nervous, but the nerves were such a secondary sensation to the intense need I had to see you--your face, a face that's graced my dreams for more than a year and your eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes that forever hold me captive in sleep.

When they finally called my flight, two hours after it was originally scheduled to depart, those butterflies in my tummy ceased their fluttering because they, like I, knew that in just over an hour, I'd finally meet the man of my dreams.

That sounds fanciful, I know, but you've known me long enough to know that I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.

The last leg of my journey to you (and a long journey it was) was rather serene, the plane went up just high enough to oddly accentuate all the fascinating intricacies of the land below, and oh, what a sight it was. The Bay was breathtaking, it was all breathtaking, like a dazzling painting of uninhibited beauty I'll remember for the rest of my life.

And that was nothing compared to the feelings that washed through me when I walked through the door of that tiny airport hauling my sons silly Batman backpack and saw you standing there waiting for me.

You smiled at me and when I was close enough to touch, you hugged me and god, it felt so wonderful. It wasn't awkward as I feared it would be, there wasn't that shyness I expected to feel, it just felt lovely.

And though I didn't say it then, the way you looked at me while we waited for the rest of my luggage made me feel beautiful. And when I asked you, "What?" (as I did a million times during our week together ) and you said, "I'm just looking at you, you're rather lovely to look at." I got all soft and warm inside and at that moment, I wanted so very badly to kiss you right there in front of everyone while we waited for my luggage. Why I didn't will forever remain a mystery.

The ride to the hotel was somewhat surreal, there you were next to me, all I had to do was reach out and I could feel the warmth of your skin against mine. And your voice, hearing it resonate through the car as we chatted was amazing and wonderful.

Oh, baby, I can't explain how incredibly delightful it was for me to just be there with you, to be able to look at you and talk to you and touch you--there are no words.

In the week we spent together, we made a lot of beautiful memories, but one of the loveliest for me was the hour or so we spent with each other right after we checked into the hotel.

We didn't make love, not then, we talked and we touched and we kissed and we teased, but our clothes never came off. And yet, if we'd have continued to lay there exploring each other for just a tiny bit longer I'd have come from nothing more than the sheer pleasure of having your hands on my body and mine on yours, of feeling your lips against my lips and your breath on my skin, of hearing your voice ring in my ears and watching your eyes move over my body. I have never felt so in touch with myself or my body as I did in that glorious stretch of time I spent lying there with you. It was incredibly beautiful, my love, and a moment in time that I will treasure for as long as I draw breath.

By the time we made it back to the room that night I wanted you so badly I could barely think straight. If I'd been thinking straight I would have joined you in the shower instead of lying there alone on the bed thoroughly preoccupied with the intense need I had to feel you inside me.

We'd briefly talked before about how the first time with a new lover can be a bit awkward and fumbly, but from where I was laying, ours was neither of those things, quite the contrary, it was (pardon my language) fucking incredible. You are incredible.

There was more talking and touching and kissing and teasing. Mmm. The slow removal of clothing as our hands moved over each other, becoming intimately familiar with the others body.

And then the unfathomable pleasure of finally being able to take you into my mouth, to feel the hot, hard, velvety smooth skin of your cock against my tongue. Bliss. You have a gorgeous cock, my love, and because you have no qualms being vocal about what you like, I could've happily spent hours pleasuring you with nothing but my mouth.

And the thrill of watching you dip your head down to ease your face between my parted thighs, feeling your hair brush against the sensitive skin of my thighs and your breath flutter across my aching cunt just before you leaned in to taste me. Ecstasy.

And, god, feeling your body rub and press against mine as you slid up to settle between my thighs, your cock gliding through the slippery wetness emanating from my body as you leaned down to kiss me was sublime.

And then you were inside me and I lost myself in you.

For me, it was far more than sex we shared during our time together, but I'm thinking you already know that, and to write it all out would make this post longer than it needs to be. So, I'll simply say, when I got on that plane bright and early on a Wednesday morning, I was already in love with you, but not even I, the hopeless romantic, could've predicted how much my love for you would mature and grow in the short week we had together.

My darling, I love you more now than I did then and less than I will tomorrow. And as a wise man once told me (and if I remember correctly, it happened to be while I was snuggled up in his arms), we can't predict what the future holds for us, but we have each other now and that is what matters.


Posted by SD at 9:28 PM 13 comments

Friday, October 20, 2006

Trick or Treat

Are you a fan of Halloween?

I'm not so much, I don't know why either.

I love candy, I love being able to pretend I'm someone else for a you'd think I'd love Halloween, right? Maybe it's because I've worked the bar so many of those nights? Or mayeb it's because I like being me...or maybe it's really because all the costuems I really want to wear are very very naughty, and I'm too chicken shit to do it.

Maybe the appeal of dressing up as a Dominatrix has disappeared since I think I'd enjoy being submissive so much more.

Realistically, I think it's because I have no imagination when it comes to castumes and on Halloween I actually feel boring. I hate that feeling.

What do you think?

Posted by Sasha White at 3:01 PM 2 comments

Monday, October 16, 2006


fessel_co_grYou are going to come to me. And when you reach my door you will find a blindfold hanging on the doorknob and the door open a crack. Enter the room, close the door behind you and put on the blindfold. Then wait there quietly for me.

I lead you into the center of the room. “Stand still,” I tell you. “You are my personal playground...and I want to play uninterrupted.”

My hand reaches out and I trail my fingers across your shoulders as I stroll around your body. I start to undress you at my leisure, stroking your muscles, nibbling on your ear, your neck. Pressing my body full length against yours. The feel of your heart pounding in your chest is strong under my hand as I scrape my nails lightly across your nipple.

You feel my breasts against your chest, my nipples hardening as they rub against the hair on your body as I sink to my knees and examine your cock. Looking at it, breathing on it, I touch it lightly, lick it and - no! I won't suck it now...that will be your reward for behaving...if you continue to do so.

It is time for you to work...I lead you over to the couch and sit down.

“On your knees,” I command.

I spread my thighs for you and tell you to get on your knees and use only your mouth to please me, no hands. Do you think you can do that? Do you think you can make me cum with only your lips and tongue? I hope you can...for your sake.

Once you have gotten me ready I am going to lay you down and straddle you. Slip that hard cock into my wetness and ride you until I cum. You may not come! are MY playground.

If I feel you have behaved well I will reward you. What that reward is will be a I know already you will enjoy. But if you misbehave…the punishment will be something I enjoy!

Posted by Sasha White at 7:32 PM 6 comments

Friday, October 13, 2006

Secret Thoughts

I've been thinking a lot lately. Too much, I believe. I'm very used to taking things as they are, and seeing things as they're shown to me. I often see beyond what is shown, and I think I've come to take that for granted. I also have just realised a huge truth about myself.

There have been so many times in the past that I've worried that I've done wrong, that I let myself down by giving up on love and going for the sexual relationships I've had. I realized that I often hurt myself by picking to be with men who wanted nothing more than sex from me, and then actually caring for them and doing the complete girly thing by thinking -deep down where I never even admitted it to myself - that maybe I could be the one to change them. Or that maybe the sexual chemistry meant he was "the one". Then I'd fall into the trap of thinking I was only good for sexual relationships, becasue those were all I was good at.

Three times in my life I've actually let myself believe I might've found Him. The one. Two of those times, I was the one to walk away. I was the one to let things go because the intensity of what I felt, so soon, scared me. The third time, the last time, he was the one to walk away. When he did, I worried that it was karmic payback for my not having faith in the first two.

Not one of these times was I ever in love. I've never let myself go that far. These are just the men that stick in my mind as reminders of times when I COULD HAVE had something, but I didn't let myself. Tonight I realized why I didn't actually open myself to them. It seems I am an all or nothing person in this department too.

You see, I've been talking with a friend. A friend who is ten years younger than me, but in the exact same place in her life as I was when I walked away from the first guy. And she's in the same sort of situation with a man right now. I see myself in her, and I see the path I chose so clearly, and I want to tell her to choose the other one.

At the same time as talking to her quite a bit lately, I've been debating the whole "get to know him even if there are no butterflies" thing. The fact that I've decided to try and back away from the stricly lovers type of relationships I've sadly, grown used to, and get to knwo the men I meet in hopes that a relationship will grow. And you know what? I realized that I don't like to get to know them without those butterflies in my tummy simply because, to me, the risk might not be worth the reward. By that I mean, I've realized why I have such a high wall around my heart. Because it is so soft, and so vulnerable.

It's not worth getting hurt if the payoff isn't going to be forever. Or if there is a chance the payoff might not be forever.

I've realised that I can not open up just a little, because opening up a little still opens me up to hurt. And if I keep things as just sexual, I can protect my heart.

The question is, should I protect my heart at the risk of my self esteem, because I do see that staying in strictly sexaul relationshiips is hurting me too. I'm starting to wonder if I'm capable of more...and that hurts too. So, is it better to opne and be hurt by another, or to know that the hurt you feel is caused by your own actions?

Posted by Sasha White at 12:35 AM 6 comments

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hi All!

So S.D is away...and I'm going to play!

To start off today I'm just going to introduce myself... I'm Sasha White, a friend of S.D's and a writer. You can see my latest single title book, BOUND, if you scroll down just a little. And if you want somethign to surf around a bit, check out my website at If you look through the BOOK section you'll find lots of excerpts to read. :)

It's Friday today, so I'm just saying Hi, but I'll be back with some fun stuff in a couple days!

Have a great weekend!

Posted by Sasha White at 9:29 AM 0 comments

SD must bid you all adieu...

But, never fear, 'tis only for a short while.

In the meantime, the intellectually stimulating, infinitely talented and delectably sexy
Sasha White will be governing my home for the next couple weeks and I have no doubt you'll enjoy her, I do. And Sasha, my sweet, thank you for not only house sitting for me, but for being a kick ass friend as well. You rock, sweetheart!

Well, I must go, it's almost time for me to take that
walk and I have a million things to do first.

'Til we meet again...

Posted by SD at 7:30 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I want to watch you...

Watch, transfixed, as your fingers brush across the satiny smooth skin of your cock, your palm pressing and your fingers wrapping, one by one, around your rigid length.

Watch, enraptured, as your thumb moves back up to softly skim over the glistening bead of precome at the very tip before moving back down to trace the line of your cock.

Watch, tantalized, as your fingers flex and tighten around the straining flesh, enveloping your cock in a heady grip, your hand beginning to leisurely piston.

Watch, bewitched, as your cock glides agilely against palm and fingers in an intimate dance, your grip tightening with every slippery smooth stroke of palm against cock.

Watch, seduced, as rapture begins to overtake you, soft and sweet, your body tensing and your eyes, brilliantly blue, awash with uninhibited ecstasy.

Watch, unabashedly aroused, as your pleasure hits its crescendo and your come begins to jet out in thick steady streams, covering your hand, your chest, your belly.

I want to watch

Posted by SD at 8:37 AM 8 comments

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Author's Note: Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, I'm not dead, no, my friends, I am, in fact, alive and kicking, well, not literally, kicking that is, but something like that. I still haven't been able to envoke the flighty spirit that is my muse, but I feel her stirring so it's only a matter of time before I have her back exactly where I want her, but in the mean time, here's a little something from the delectably sexy and emphatically talented Sasha White.

"Fans of 9H Weeks will get a delicious thrill from this kinky, titillating tale of dominance and submission, loss of inhibitions and discovery of new experiences. The quirky supporting characters and intriguing casino workplace are the cherry on top of this sinful, decadent delight."
~ Romantic Times Book Reviews on BOUND

BOUND by Sasha White

When I started writing erotica, it was with short stories. After two years of short story writing I tried novellas, and this past month my very first full length novel, BOUND, was released. YAY! There were definitely times when I wondered if I'd bitten off more than I could chew, but I kept at it. And reading blogs like Salacious Desires kept me motivated.

I've recruited SD to write for my eZine, Secret Thoughts, but I'm not sure if I've ever told her that her writing reminds me of my own. Because I love her, and her writing, I wanted to share this small piece that I wrote when I was first starting out.

He is coming to give me my birthday present. He enters my place, locks the door behind him and walks to the living room where I am waiting. He doesn’t greet me with hugs or kisses...just the words. "On your knees".

I drop to my knees and he removes his pants. I start by touching, licking and nibbling around his cock. Then I take it into my mouth and start to suck. He lets me do it my way for a while. His hands stroking my hair softly. Then his fingers tangle in my hair and he starts to thrust into my mouth. Fucking me. Telling me how much he's missed my mouth, and me. He uses my mouth and pulls out to come on my neck and chest.

Now, comes time for my present. He knows how much I've wanted lots of attention, and how patient I've been. He blindfolds me, strips me, restrains my hands and begins to tease. Playing with my body, stroking me, pinching my nipples fondling my breasts. He thinks I've been a bad girl. The way I love to suck cock deserves punishment so he bends me over and spanks me for being the slut I am. I take it. I'll take whatever he wants to give.

Because I take it, he teases me some more. He starts to insert things into my pussy as he spanks me. A dildo, and occasionally thrusts it in and out.

Then, spanking over he lays me out and starts to work on me. I am his plaything. Whatever he wants. Plays with my nipples, my pussy, my ass. He reaches for more toys that are nearby and starts to use them on me...vibrating egg on my clit with his cock thrust in and out of my pussy and I come...but it's not enough for either of us...I'm his. He turns me over again and fucks me from behind...while he's fucking me he slips a finger into my ass and fucks me with it in time with his cock until we both come.

Then he hugs me and I know I can be me with him...

-- Sasha White

Posted by SD at 6:26 AM 5 comments

Saturday, July 29, 2006


My glistening lips are engorged with unsated desire
And my ardor, intensely wanton, burns shamelessly
My hands are teasing, spreading, probing, piercing
As my hips unchastely piston against their brazen exploration
And my fingers, soft and wet from my own desire, press deeper
My inner walls unabashedly enshroud them, molding, melting
As my excitement slowly begins to build, tantalizing me
My eyes shutter closed and my mind begins to reel
As rapture leisurely rolls through me, possessing me
And trapped helplessly in a state of euphoric rhapsody
My body shudders exquisitely as pleasure fully envelops me

Copyright 2006 by S. Desires

Posted by SD at 12:09 PM 13 comments

Friday, July 28, 2006

SD interrupts...

Her own "Leave of Abscense" to bring you a few scrumptious links that were just too salacious to go unmentioned...

You know, SD loves her some fun, kinky and downright salacious toys, but honestly, who wouldn't? And on occasion, I'll come across a link to a "sex toy" site that catches my attention. Such is the case with I spent a bit of time there poking around and thoroughly enjoyed myself in the process.

There is also a blog affiliated with the site that has some deliciously naughty links to all kinds of various salacious material. So go on now, check it out, it'll be fun, I promise.

I also updated my blogroll the other day and added a couple links that you absolutely must go pay a visit...

Angel Brat (who happens to be one of my fellow reviewers for the lovely folks at SCP)


Lone Sloan Delirius (which is an intellectually stimulating erotic experience that I feel you must experience)

In other news, I recently did another review for the sinfully delectable Amy of South Coast Pleasure...

With the hot water from the shower brazenly blending with the moisture emanating from my own body, my fingers slid easily through the soft wet lips of my pussy. It was bliss. I closed my eyes and thinking of my lovers tongue sliding softly over my hot, wet, swollen clit I reached for my Mega-Mite with my other hand and turned it on ( one of the fabulous features of my new friend is the ease at which it can be turned on, one handed is absolutely no problem, so if your other hand is busy, no worries). I ran it over my nipples first, enjoying the strong vibrating sensation against the sensitive flesh there and then down over my belly to my inner thigh before moving it up over my fingers to my clit. Eureka. It was incredible, I came and came again, no discomfort, no having to remove my friend because of over sensitivity, just a mind blowing orgasm followed by another with equal fervor. Yummy.

Read the full review here.

And if fate continues to smile on me, I'll have the rest of my reviews done before the weekend is out (and I do so look forward to that--Mmm...), so stay tuned.

Posted by SD at 7:15 AM 2 comments

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Leave of Abscence"

Is what I'm taking, ladies and gents, but never fear, it's not a permanent thing, it's a "now" thing. I could come back next month, next week, hell, tomorrow even, I haven't a clue.

There is no one reason why I've decided to go silent for a bit and I'm sure all the nay-sayers of the world will assume that there's some jaded reason hidden behind all the things I'm "not" saying that's brought me to this place, but that isn't the case, not nearly. What is the case, is that my creativity, my imagination and my desire to write have been eluding me as of late and rather than force myself to write something just for the sake of writing, I've decided to take a decompression period. A mini-vacation, if you will.

If you find yourself missing me (heh), you can find me over at Menage a Trois, typically on Tuesdays.

Well, until we meet again, play nice and be wonderful to each other. See you on the flip side.

Posted by SD at 11:51 AM 5 comments

Friday, July 21, 2006

Friendship, like sunshine enriches the soul...

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me...
Author Unknown

It's a rare thing to find a friend with whom I can truly be myself and know in my heart and in my soul, that no matter what facets of myself shine through, I'll be accepted and loved for who I am without question. But I, through fate or blind luck or some magical cosmic alignment, have found such a friend in You

I love you, my gorgeous Nina, more than I could possibly say and I am honored, thankful and more than a bit humbled to be blessed with your love and your friendship. You truly are one of those rare and precious gems.

And though I realize that I'm a mite late, I hope you know in your heart, that yesterday, on that glorious day of your birth, all my hopes, all my wishes, all my dreams and all of my love were focused on you.

Happy Birthday, baby!

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive.
Anäis Nin

Posted by SD at 6:44 AM 2 comments

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Grass, soft and dewy, tickle the bottoms of my feet as I run my toes through it, enjoying the feel of it against my bare skin, and wispy sheets of rain feather lightly against my exposed flesh; chilling me. But you're there, lying next to me, and the heat radiating off your body chases away the chill before it has a chance to set in. Your hand rests gently against my belly while you idly circle my naval with the very tips of your fingers, and I sigh at the joy your distracted touch brings me.

My gaze is fixed on the pale moon, who's soft light is intensified by the millions of glittering stars helping her illuminate the inky sky over head. But I close my eyes to all that brilliant light when I feel your hand begin to wander lower. Remnants of twinkling stars are like silhouettes against my closed lids, and I sigh softly as your hand slips between my thighs, your fingers moving through the satiny folds of my pussy to find me wet and ready. For you. Always you.

I feel your body shift until the warmth of your tummy is resting comfortably against my side, and your other hand brushes over my cheek softly, your fingers stretching up to trace the curve of my eyebrow. Tenderly. Sweetly.

Those magical fingers of yours that are shamelessly teasing the aching flesh between my legs begin to skim lower, and I part my thighs wider in invitation. Your hand curves over me, your palm pressing insistently against my clit while your fingers slide inside me and I arch up into your touch. You press your palm harder against my clit and push my hips back down as your fingers slide deeper inside me, curving in to rub against the soft slippery flesh inside me. Euphoria. I want you. Every part of me is screaming for you.

My eyes flutter open, searching, and there you are above me, the light of the moon dancing unabashedly around you. It’s somewhat ethereal. Brilliant. Beautiful. Your own eyes move over me, watching your fingers as they continue to trace the lines of my face.

The hand between my legs never falters, your fingers never losing their rhythm, your palm never losing it’s tenure. You know what you’re doing to me--mind, body, soul--and you won’t stop until I‘m on the precipice of madness, immersed in pleasure. And I will be, there is no other choice.

My clit is beating a steady tattoo in time with my heart and the friction of your palm against the sensitive flesh there has a fire burning low in my belly. I’m going to come, it’s only a matter of time.

I reach for you, my hands framing your face and pull you down until your mouth is flush with mine. I need you to kiss me. I need to feel your tongue sliding against mine when my body surrenders itself to you. And you do. Your lips press against mine, your tongue parting them to slip inside and tangle with mine. Resplendent.

And it’s there, that soft, sweet pull at the center of my core, it beckons me and I can not deny it. I can not deny you. I look up, our eyes meeting and I can’t help but drown in the beautiful sea of blue that envelops me. I bring my thighs together, closing them around your hand and trap your fingers inside me as I wantonly give myself over to the pleasure you’ve invoked within me.

Posted by SD at 3:25 PM 4 comments

Monday, July 10, 2006

SD's lack of creativity abounds...

Since I appear to be completely lacking when it comes to creativity and imagination lately, I've gone and stolen this quiz thing from Dane. And one day, one bright, beautiful day, I shall write again, but sadly, today is not that day. Mores the pity on that one, I say. Anyhow, enjoy.

How Freaky Are You? (In case you're wondering, ah, not very)


Copy this entire list into your blog/journal. BOLD everything about you that is true. Leave plain anything that is false about you. Put an asterisk (*) at the end of false statements you would LIKE to be true.

I am bi-sexual.
My spouse or lover is aware of my orientation.
My spouse or lover has watched me have sex with someone of my gender. *
I have had sex while wearing a blindfold.
I have blindfolded someone else during sex.
I have had sex while watching porn.
I sleep better after sex.
There are some nights I cannot sleep without sex or masturbating.
I masturbate more than once per day. (Well, maybe on occasion, like say, yesterday)
The bed is NOT my most favorite place to have sex.
I am turned on knowing someone is watching me masturbate.
I enjoy watching others having sex or being watched during sex.
I will have sex with someone I just met if they turn me on.
I have had sex with two different individuals (at seperate times) during the course of one day.
I have been tied up during sex.
I have had sex with someone who was tied up.
I have dripped wax onto a lover's body.
I have had a lover drop wax on my body.
I have a foot/sock/shoe fetish.
I have a leather fetish.
I have a tickle fetish.
Watching someone urinate (or being watched while urinating) is a turn-on.
I have had sex in a vehicle.
I have had sex while driving a vehicle.
I have been to a sex club or bathhouse.
I like being choked during sex.
My lovers would describe me as kinky. (I suppose, on occasion)
I shave (or trim) the hair on or around my genitals.
The smell of my lover's sweat turns me on. (Eh, depends)
I have erotic art on display somewhere in my residence.
Dirty talk during sex turns me on.
I enjoy pornographic magazines.
I have a collection of porno movies.
Erotic toys are a regular part of my budget.
I have clicked on porn links in my email.
I regularly look at porn sites on the internet.
Much of what I know about sex comes from porn.
Interracial sex turns me on. (No more than any other)
I would participate in sex research if given the opportunity.
My current lover does not sufficiently meet my sexual needs.
I have had sex at my place of employment.
I am often disappointed in my sexual relationships.
Some people might describe me as a nymphomaniac.
I am difficult to live with if I'm not having sex on a regular basis.
I sleep better with someone snuggled up next to me.
I have had sex under water.
I have had sex outdoors.
I have had sex in a public place or where I might have been discovered.
I have had sex in a bathroom stall. * (Sounds strangely interesting)
I have had sex in the snow.
I am or have been in a polyamorous relationship.
I have participated in three-ways or orgies. *
I have to have music playing during sex.
I have flashed strangers.
I have given sex as a gift.
I have set up a three-way for my lover.
I stopped during this list to have sex.
All day I dream about sex.* (But that'd sure as hell be fun, yes?)

Posted by SD at 7:52 PM 2 comments

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

White Hot.

About a week ago the delectable sexy Sasha did a post on "Secret Fantasies" (for purely educational purposes I'm sure--*wink*) and since mine was a bit different than my "typical" fantasies that I post here, I decided to send it to her privately, but then the equally delectable Beth insinuated that I, SD, am a tease for not sharing. A tease? Moi? Surely she jests, right? LOL.

Well, since Beth did in fact buck up and share a couple of her "Secret Fantasies" (as well as a HOT scene from,
'The Outlaws Virgin', one of her scrumptious tales), I figure it's only fair that I do the same...

So without further ado, the "Secret Fantasy" that makes my blood pressure spike, my heartbeat flutter and my pussy ache deliciously (what a fantastic combo--sigh)...

I want him to fuck you. I want to see your eyes, the sharp blue of yours blending into the soft green of mine, as he slides into you, seconds after you've slid into me. From me to you to him--joined, like the pieces of some haphazard jigsaw puzzle.

I want to press my knees into your hips and hold you inside me, knowing that every push and pull of your cock within my body is controlled by the rhythm of his thrusts within yours.

I want to feel his fingers slide over and around my knees, holding them steady against your hips, but that's all I want from him. I don't need his touch, only yours--your hands, your mouth, your cock manipulating my body as he manipulates yours.

I want to feel your pleasure, absorb it as if it were my own, from him to you to me, and when he makes you come inside me, I want you to lean into me and bury your face in my neck. And with your forehead pressed against my neck, your breath fluttering against my collar bone and your cock pulsing inside me, your pleasure will spark my own and then his until we're nothing more than a white hot ball of sensations shamelessly unraveling until there is nothing left but mindless pleasure.

Posted by SD at 8:38 AM 7 comments

Monday, June 26, 2006

Come here, I want to tell you a secret...


Fun, Erotic and Sexy "SECRET THOUGHTS" electronic magazine includes Free Reads, story excerpts, and news! Never miss the newest issue online!

Care to guess who's playing in the July 2006 issue? Go ahead guess...

So go on now, subscribe and join me for some fun. And it will be fun, trust me, you'll like it, I promise...

Posted by SD at 6:12 AM 0 comments

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Checkmate--Game Over (Asexual Post).

Jealousy: Hostility toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage.

I've always hated that word, it's ugly and pointless, but alas, it happens to be a part of almost every persons vocabulary and there isn't a bloody thing I can do about that, is there? No, there isn't.

But what I can do is address the issues some maniacal, narcissistic, egotistical and I suspect psychotic person and/or persons have with that rather childish emotion in regards to myself, my blog(s) and those whom I love.

People who have a predilection for playing God annoy me, they really do. Why? Because us mere mortals always end up caught in the crossfire, shoveling shit that isn't ours to shovel and some poor unsuspecting and blissfully innocent soul always ends up getting hurt because someone decided their ego needed a bit of a stroking. Pardon my language, but fuck that.

I sat back and watched while some asshole parodied blogs and compromised peoples real life identities because apparently their goodies just weren't enough to fill the cookie jar and they weren't having that shit. Well, guess what? That's life--deal! You don't go trying to fuck up other peoples "real" lives and chase them off the internet because you're apparently not as good a fuck as you thought you were. You don't own the fucking internet for fucks sake--no one does. Really, who the fuck do some people think they are? Anonymity as far as blogging goes, especially sex blogging, is a personal choice and I imagine there are a vast amount of reasons people do it. For me, it's not a personal need to protect my identity, but more of an "it's more mysterious" thing. If my anonymity were blown today it wouldn't affect me one way or the other, I have nothing to hide, most, if not all, of my family and friends know that this blog exists (most have the URL) and pretty much all of them know about my relationship with
Dane. But it's not like that for everyone and for someone to take it upon themselves to start "outing" people because it feeds their God complex is disgusting.

And now, after enduring that disgusting display of narcissism, I have to sit back and watch some "anonymous" commenter go around spreading their ignorance in some childish smear campaign they've launched out of envy or spite or any other number of bullshit issues against ménage à trois
and the women affiliated (myself included) with that blog.

Sorry, folks, not this time. I refuse to sit back and watch this time around, I'm jumping in head first and sink or swim, no more bullshit games, no more playing God and no more jealous attacks of insecurity launched our way.

You wanna play, let's play.

Posted by SD at 12:05 PM 5 comments

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Come with us... a magical place.

A place where secrets are told and dreams unfold, where love and laughter and light abound and all women are beautiful.

Come, let us envelop you in the warm blanket of our femininity as we surrender up our mysteries and bare our souls...

ménage à trois

Come, join us...

Posted by SD at 12:00 AM 2 comments

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Anticipation: Part II...

To softly rub my cheeks and my chin and my lips against the velvety skin of your cock. So hot and so impossibly hard. Knowing that when I do, I won't be able to stop my hands from coming up to wrap around all that hot, hard, velvety skin. Loving you. Learning you. Knowing you.

To lightly run my fingers from base to tip, stopping to trace the tiny eye with the very tip of my finger before moving back down, transfixed by the rhythmic beat of your cock as my fingers move over your skin. Knowing that when I do, I won't be able to stop myself from leaning into you, my tongue stretching out to trace the pattern my fingers just made.

To slide my tongue unabashedly up, down, over and around the rigid length of your cock in long wide strokes, soft feathery caresses, light teasing flicks, feeling the beat of your pulse; a steady tattoo against my tongue. Knowing that when I do, I won't be able to stop my hand from slipping in between my own thighs to press wantonly against my aching pussy.

To take you, inch by divine inch, into my mouth until I can take no more. Filled. Completely. Joined. Intimately. Your cock blending into my mouth until it is impossible to tell where I begin and you end. Connected. Knowing that when I do, I won't have the will to stop my own fingers from pressing deep inside myself.

To wrap my hand tightly around the base of your shaft while I continue to make love to you with my mouth, waiting, longing, needing you to come apart, to come. For me. Knowing that when you do, my own surrender of self--mind, body, soul--will begin... powerful, raw, uninhibited and pure, solidifying the bond of love and trust, lust and passion, want and need which connects us.

Posted by SD at 4:22 PM 5 comments

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


To feel your soft wet tongue slide over my hot, aching, slippery flesh. Exploring me. Softly. Slowly. Teasingly. Knowing that when you do, I won't be able to stop my hips from arching up to press against your tongue. Wanting. Needing. More.

To feel your fingers dig into the soft skin of my hips, pressing me back down against the bed while you begin to explore me with lips, teeth and tongue. Knowing that when you do, I'll have to bite down on my own tongue to fight the urge to arch back up into your mouth.

To feel your teeth scrape over my clit as your tongue explores my delicate lips before moving down to press in to me, to make love to me. Knowing that when you do, I won't be able to stop my thighs from trying to press together, trapping you there, your mouth pressed against my throbbing pussy.

To feel your fingers flex against my skin before digging back in to force my thighs apart, your tongue moving up to replace your teeth on my clit. Knowing that when you do, that delicious tingling sensation coursing through my body will continue to grow until I'm mindless of anything but you and the pleasure you bring me. No inhibitions. No holding back.

To feel your lips, teeth and tongue command my body, own it, make it yours. I want it to be yours. Knowing that when you do, I won't be able to stop myself from coming apart, from coming. For you.

Posted by SD at 11:31 AM 10 comments

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Fifty Words.

The moist warmth emanating from your mouth flutters against my skin, teasing me. You move up my body, never touching skin to skin, just your breath, a soft whisper against my sensitive flesh, until your mouth hovers inches from my aching cunt. God, please, I want your mouth on me.

Posted by SD at 10:32 PM 0 comments

I've Never...

I borrowed this meme from AAG because, well, I'm more than a little bored, I rather enjoyed reading hers and my mind is being a mite stubborn at the moment.

The ones that are TRUE for me are in Purple...

I’ve Never French-Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex.

I’ve Never French-Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex.

I've Never Had Sex With A Member Of The Opposite Sex.

I've Never Had Sex With A Member Of The Same Sex.

I’ve Never Had A Threesome.

I’ve Never Been In Love.

I’ve Never Had Sex In A Public Place.

I’ve Never Had Group Intercourse.

I’ve Never Been Spanked.

I’ve Never Been Tied Up.

I’ve Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone.

I’ve Never Made Out With A Stranger.

I’ve Never Gone On A Blind Date.

I’ve Never Had A Crush On A Teacher or Professor.

I’ve Never Slept With A Co-Worker.

I’ve Never Had Sex At The Office.

I’ve Never Been Married.

I’ve Never Been Divorced.

I’ve Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week.

I’ve Never Posed Nude.

I've Never Watched Porn.

I’ve Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them.

I’ve Never Received Scars From My Sex Partner.

I’ve Never Had Sex At A Friend’s House While They Were Throwing A Party.

I’ve Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room.

I’ve Never Flashed Anyone.

I’ve Never Met Anyone From Online.

I've Never Cheated On My Significant Other.

I've Never Masturbated.

I've Never Used A Sex Toy On Myself.

I've Never Used A Sex Toy On Someone Else.

I've Never Danced On A Table Or Bar.

I've Never Strip-Teased For Anyone.

I've Never Received A Rim Job.

I've Never Given A Rim Job.

I've Never Received A Hand Job.

I've Never Given A Hand Job.

I've Never Had Sex In A Hammock.

I've Never Performed Oral Sex.

I've Never Received Oral Sex.

I've Never Had Anal Sex.

I've Never Had Sex involving a strap-on.

I've Never Given/Received A Golden Shower.

I've Never Had Sex With Someone While Fantasizing About Having Sex With
Someone Else.

I've Never Had A Sex Dream.

I've Never Had An Orgasm By Myself.

I've Never Had An Orgasm With/By Someone Else.

I've Never Had Phone Sex.

I've Never Had Cyber Sex.

I've Never Role-Played.

I've Never Played Strip Poker.

Posted by SD at 8:57 AM 3 comments

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Completely asexual post (sorry)...

Last night, while SD was off in that wonderful world of dreams (and it is wonderful--trust me), my stat counter passed the 100,000 mark and I though that was cool, fantastic even. Really, I did.

So, thanks! You're all fabulous! Really, you are.

And soon, my gorgeous Nina, I promise.

Posted by SD at 3:34 PM 1 comments

Friday, May 19, 2006

Touch me.

Please, God, just touch me. I need you to touch me. Anywhere. Everywhere.

Hard and rough and demanding. Don't treat me like I'm fragile, I'm not. I need you to use me. For your pleasure, for mine. Ours. Make me yours, I need to be yours.

Your mouth, your lips, your tongue, your teeth on my breast, on my belly, on my thighs, on my cunt. Your fingers tangled in my hair, digging into my flesh, piercing me, manipulating my body, making me burn, making me ache. Your cock in my mouth, between my breasts, in my cunt.

All of you, every divine inch. On me. In me. Anywhere. Everywhere.

I need you.

Posted by SD at 7:28 AM 4 comments

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Oh, how time flies...

When I started “Salacious Desires”--a year ago this month, can you believe that? Time sure flies when you’re having fun (and well, even when you’re not)--my reasons were vast, my intentions were good and my situation was, for lack of a better phrase, complexly simple. And for the most part, it still is. Sure, there have been changes--some good, some bad--in me, in my life, in my marriage--pretty much everywhere--and if I’m being honest, I’m not sorry for any of those changes, even the ones that hurt my heart. Why? Because life, while fascinating and wonderful, isn’t all starlight and moonbeams and it certainly isn’t a walk in the park, it’s tragic and blissful and somber and playful and dispiriting and thrilling--it’s a roller coaster of emotions I want to ride again and again and again, so how can I be sorry for taking that ride, even when it hurts? I can‘t.

But as “Salacious Desires” moves out of its first year and into its second, I don’t want to talk about the changes--good or bad--this year has brought me because some are entirely too personal to recount here and some I’ve already brought to light. So instead of hashing and rehashing all the changes, discoveries, memories and milestones that have occurred in my life since I started this blog, I’ve decided to do something a bit different.

So to commemorate the birth of “Salacious Desires”, I give you 50 things (in no particular order, meaning, I‘m all over the place, but that‘s me--scatterbrained) about SD that you probably don’t know and more than likely could have gone the rest of your life without knowing.



1. I was born under the astrological sign Leo--a fixed, fire sign ruled by the sun. I can, in typical Leo fashion, be very stubborn, ridiculously lazy, overly dramatic and insufferably arrogant. But I can be warm, gentle, loving and loyal too.

2. I share my birthday with Percy Bysshe Shelley, who wrote "Love's Philosophy", one of my favorite poems.

3. The year? Well, I'm not sharing, a girl's gotta have some secrets, yes? But I imagine I'm either younger or older than you think. Anyone care to guess?

4. Because there's some slight confusion as to my "status", I am still married, but we are and have been separated for quite some time.

5. And yes, my husband knows about my relationship with
Dane--there are no secrets, lies or deception between any of us.

6. I have one child of the male species, who happens to be the love of my life. And though, when I was younger, I wanted a whole houseful of happy little children, I do believe I've changed my mind.

7. I hate the sun, but I love the beach, hence the reason I typically only go there at night. Besides, it's so much more enchanting to gaze at the stars twinkling overhead as the heady scent of the ocean intoxicates me and the soft, almost sultry sound of the surf kisses the shore. Sigh.

8. I have an odd affection for wind chimes, which makes absolutely no sense because in the middle of the night, when they get to chiming madly, they keep me awake. But no matter, I think they're beautiful.

9. I love sunflowers, lots and lots of sunflowers. And lilies. And purple roses.

10. I love to read all kinds of things, but I'm a sucker for a good romance or a nail biting murder mystery.

11. I don't do mornings. Seriously. I detest them--the birds chirping, the sun slipping through the slats on the curtains, blah, blah, blah... Ugh. No thanks.

12. My favorite color is emerald green, but baby blue does it for me too.

13. And I don't particularly look good in either of those colors, earth tones are more my style.

14. I'm blonde--everywhere, from top to bottom.

15. And I love it because when I get lazy (which is often) and neglect to shave my legs, no ones the wiser.

16. I'm addicted to coffee--I can't live without it.

17. I can't cook.

18. But I can bake with the best of them. Anybody want some cookies? Or perhaps you'd like some brownies? A cake? No problem.

19. I lost my virginity in the front seat of a Buick Century when I was a naïve 16 year old girl and it was the messiest, most awkward, anticlimactic experience of my life.

20. I stayed with my 1st lover until I was 18 and the poor boy never did figure out how to make me come, not for lack of trying though.

21. Nor did my 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th lovers. No orgasms for SD (well, none that weren’t self-induced). Sucked to be me.

22. My 4th lover (who happens to be the man I ended up marrying) is, to date, the only man who has been able to physically make me come.

(Pop Quiz: Let’s see who was paying attention… How many lovers (of the male species) has SD had?)

23. But
Dane, my love, has made me come (soft, hard, intense, toe curling, sheet grabbing, hip arching orgasms) countless times and he’s yet to physically touch me. Sigh. The mind can be a powerful thing.

24. I have been intimate with a woman, only once, but it was one of the most sensual sexual experiences I’ve had. I absolutely must do it again sometime and I know just the
woman I’d love to help me out with that.

25. I’ve never had a threesome of any kind (not in reality anyway), and mores the pity on that because it looks like it’d be great fun.

26. But I did graciously lend my mouth to this lovely lady who thought it’d be a cool idea if we simultaneously blew her boyfriend. And that was great fun.

27. I love being taken from behind, it’s one of my favorite positions, and for reasons that elude me, it seriously turns me on if you (lightly) spank me while you‘re doing it.

28. I have a slightly odd penchant for hot candle wax too. I dunno?

29. I’m short, annoyingly so.

30. My eyes are hazel, but they tend to stay more towards the green side of the color spectrum.

31. I love my feet, seriously, I do. They’re tiny and cute and look great in flip flops or sandals or nothing.

32. And I absolutely love having my toes sucked (don’t ask, I have no clue).

33. Oh, and having my hair pulled, but not hard--softly, gently… yes, just like that. Mmm.

34. I have a filthy, nasty, dirty mouth and while I know it’s not ladylike, I don’t particularly care.

35. I’m somewhat boisterous during sex, but I’m not a talker more of a moaner.

36. I love to sing, but since I can’t sing without damaging peoples sensitive ears, I typically keep it to showers and solo car rides.

37. I cry noisy, loud and often, it’s a wonderful stress reliever.

38. My taste in music is wide and varied, but lately I’ve been stuck on these sappy, overly sentimental love songs.

39. And this would be because as jaded as I like to insinuate I am, I’m really just a hopeless romantic.

40. I’m more than a little obsessed with greeting cards--I love the damn things. I popped into Hallmark last weekend to pick up a card for my mom, my sister and Dane’s wife and what should have been a simple, fairly quick card run turned into and hour and a half of “Oohing and Aahing” over a bunch of sappy cards.

41. And bookmarks too. I have so many bookmarks, I could open up my own damn store, but it’s not my fault really, I mean, if they wouldn’t make the silly things so bloody cute, I wouldn’t be tempted to buy them.

42. I adore glittery things--lip gloss, body lotion, shower gel, body spray, the list goes on…

43. I hate (hate, hate, hate) beer, but I love (love, love, love) mixed drinks (particularly Midori Sours). YUM.

44. And since I can’t hold my alcohol for shit, I get a bit lax with my inhibitions and my mouth when I’ve had more than a couple drinks. And I swear, alcohol’s better than truth serum.

45. I’m a Democrat, but in conversation, I avoid sticky (or more accurately most) political issues because when it comes to politics people are all over the map and if your belief, opinion (what have you) is so far OFF the map that it annoys me, I tend to get bitchy about it.

46. When I was itty bitty, I wanted to be a nurse and then a teacher and then an actress and then a writer, but ironically, I’m non of the above.

47. What I am (as unexciting as it is) is an administrative assistant. Yee Haw.

48. I love blue eyes, they’re so beautiful and bewitching, they make me melt.

49. I’m a snuggler. I love to hold and be held.

50. And making out is, by far, my favorite thing to do. If done right, I could spend hours (literally) losing myself in a kiss. It’s so yummy and good.


So there you have it. And if I inadvertently skipped a number or miscounted, no problems, we’ll just blame it on the fact that I’m blonde AND scatterbrained.

Before I wrap this up, I’d like to say thanks to all of you who pass through here daily (whether you ever choose to speak up or are more comfortable to simply lurk) for sticking with me because without you, I’d just be talking to myself and what fun is that? You’re all super-fantastic!

Dane, whom I love so very very much (you know, back in September, I told him that I wasn't "in love" with him, but (and I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to take a leaping run in the other direction), I can't say that anymore--I am) and is, without question, one of the best friends I’ve ever had and Jeff, my sweet sweet friend, who’s been there for me selflessly through both good and bad times without fail and Nina, who is not only unabashedly sexy, but is one kickass friend as well. I love the three of you emphatically. I truly do. Thank you for everything.

Alright, enough with the sappy stuff, I’m out.

Posted by SD at 12:12 PM 9 comments

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I don't ususally post horoscopes (although I will confess to reading mine daily (I have it e-mailed to me--oh, be quiet) because it's usually so out there it gives me a giggle), but I rather loved the top half of todays predictions (yes, very much so), so I thought I'd share.

May 4th 2006

Some unexpected but welcome communications could come your way, [ name deleted to protect the innocent...], through fax, email, cell phone, or other tools of recent technology - probably from either a lover or a close friend. Planning for a pleasant and exciting journey by air is indicated. Today, you relate well to others; friendships grow closer, romantic relationships more intimate. Someone close to you could even move into your neighborhood. Tonight: Plan a small gathering. You'll enjoy it!

Posted by SD at 11:45 AM 2 comments

Monday, April 24, 2006

Starry Night...

To be able to lie with you under a blanket of glittering stars, flesh against flesh--naked and soft and sated. Your hand in my hair, your fingers pressing gently against my scalp as my cheek rests against your chest, the beat of your heart like a whisper echoing softly in my ear.

For that, I would give more than you know

(Note: The image is Vincent Van Vogh's "Starry Night".)

Posted by SD at 8:24 AM 3 comments

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sunrise, huh? Not what I woud've guessed.

I keep stealing these quizzes from Sasha because well, I love silly little quizzes like this and more importantly, I haven't written anything worth anything in a couple weeks. I'm having issues at the moment, but I'll post something original soon, I've already started, I just need to finish.

In the meantime...

You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.

You are a person of reflection and meditation.

You start and end every day by looking inward.

Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.

All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.

What Time Of Day Are You?

Posted by SD at 10:13 AM 5 comments

Friday, April 21, 2006

I love the stars...

...and because I do love them so and I love him, I gave my love his own star awhile back...

Which Tarot Card Are You?

You are the Star card. The Star is the light of hope. Shining in the night, sending light into darkness, the stars provide direction to sailors and are a field on which to dream. Humanity used to look up at the sky and desire to be there, to find out what it all meant, and now we have been a distance into space and have elementary ideas of the makeup of all the different stars. This kind of achievement adds further fuel to our hopes. The eternal, slow-moving stars that will be long shining past the end of our own existence provide hope of immortality, and the vast space they suggest and the very mystery they hold provide us with excitement and knowledge yet to be discovered. Image from: Danielle Sylvie Taylor
Take this quiz!


Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code

Posted by SD at 10:22 AM 0 comments

Monday, April 17, 2006

Tag, I'm it!

You know, I never really liked tag when I was a kid. Hmm, wonder why?

Dane tagged me with this meme and because I love him ridiculously, I've decided to be a good girl and ignore the temptation to pretend like I didn't see it.

This meme was "originated" by SupaMum, and here are the rules: I ask a question and who I tag answers the question and then answers my question and thereby tagging other people and asking them a question. The question can be anything. And it can cause a thread conversation.

Dane's question: Who was the first celebrity/famous person that you ever had a fantasy (however innocent or dirty) about?

Jack Wagner--I had some rather lovely fantasies (some innocent, some dirty) about being Frisco's Felicia on General Hospital.

My Question: If you were given the opportunity to go back in time and completely change, slightly alter or otherwise delete one choice, decision or action you made that had a negative impact on the rest of your life, would you take it?

As for me, no, I wouldn't. Everything that's happened in my life--good, bad or otherwise--was meant to happen and to go back and change just one thing, no matter how small, would alter the course my life has taken and who's to say it'd be for the better? Nobody. It's a gamble and one I don't feel is worth the risk.

In regular SD fashion, no tags. If you want to answer the question in my comments or on your own blog, have at it and if you don't, that's cool too.

Posted by SD at 10:31 AM 4 comments

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sweet Surrender.

As promised...

Another piece from the archives of my salacious mind, written for
Dane some time in my not so distant past. Enjoy.

My back is pressed firmly against the wall, and your body is pressed firmly against mine, trapping me. You lean down and lightly rub your lips against mine before gently nipping at my bottom lip, your teeth scraping over the soft flesh as you pull it into your mouth.

I can feel a thundering begin in my loins as the desire--a desire you’ve evoked in me--slowly seeps through my veins.

"God." I breathe against your lips.

You reach in between us and slowly pull at the tie of my robe, tugging until it falls open, exposing me. You run your hands up over my breasts and then back down over my stomach, sliding down to slip one hand between my legs, cupping me.

"Please..." I moan into your mouth.

"Please, what?" You ask, running your fingers between the warm, wet folds of my pussy.

Your lips leave my mouth, moving down, you begin to trace the line between my jaw and my neck with the tip of your tongue.

"God, I want..." I drop my head back against the door as your fingers continue to slide over my aching flesh.

"What? What do you want?" You press a finger into me and I bite down hard on my lip, "This?" You bring your thumb up to brush across my clit, "Or is it this?"

My body is on fire. Sensations overlap sensations. I need...

"Fuck, please..."

"What, baby? Tell me what you want."

You press another finger into me and begin to methodically thrust them in and out of me.

"Oh God, I can't..."

You crouch down, sliding your tongue over my skin and stop to circle my nipple with the very tip, "Tell me."

"No, I..."

You pull my nipple into your mouth, trapping it between your teeth and begin to ruthlessly flick it with your tongue.

"Yes. You. Can."

You release my nipple and drag your tongue down across my belly, stopping to dip it into my belly button.


You pull your fingers out of me and bring your other hand up to help spread my lips.

"Tell me."

You lean forward and stroke my clit with your tongue. Softly. Slowly.

I grab your shoulders for support and clutch your shirt tightly in my fists as my hips buck forward and you pull my clit into your mouth.


You suck hard on my clit, destroying me with your lips, with your teeth, with your tongue, "Tell me what you want."

"Fuck, baby. You... ."

You pull back slightly and swirl your tongue around my clit again, teasing me, and your fingers dip back down, finding me. You push them back into me and I begin to languorously rock my hips, riding your fingers.

Oh, how you slay me. Everything inside of me clutches, a white hot ball of need longing to unravel.

"Fuck, I need..."

You curve your fingers inside me, brushing them against my walls and I feel myself begin to unravel.

I slide down the wall, your fingers still inside me and you capture my lips, your tongue snaking in to tangle with mine. And God, I can taste myself in your mouth.

I reach for you, quickly pushing your pants down over your hips and grasp your cock in my hand, deftly stroking. Your fingers slip from me and I urge you to your feet, your cock still snug in my hand.

I push you back against the wall, inching forward on my knees and lean in, taking you into my mouth. Your hands slip into my hair and I take you in further. I moan because you feel so good in my mouth and the vibration against your cock has your hips pressing forward. My hand is still wrapped firmly around the base and I slide my mouth back up the length of your cock, stopping to twirl my tongue around the tip before moving back down to drag my tongue from tip to base. Your cock slides smoothly in and out of my mouth and I tighten my hand around the base of your shaft and begin to pump, my hand brushing against my lips with every stroke.

I lift my eyes to look at you and I see you watching me as I make love to you with my mouth. I lower my eyes and watch transfixed as your cock slides between my parted lips.

You gently tug on my hair and my eyes meet yours again. "Come here."

You begin to pull me up and I reluctantly release my grip on your cock. Our bodies rub together on the way up and it feels splendid. I slide my hands up under your shirt, pushing it up and over your head before dipping back down to drag the flat of my tongue across your nipple.

I feel your hands settle beneath my ass and I run my lips up your chest, settling into the crook of your neck as you lift me and turn to press my back against the wall. I feel the head of your cock press against my entrance and I wrap my legs around your waist, digging my feet into your back as I thrust my hips down trying to take you inside me.

"Please." I whisper against your neck and you press forward, burying yourself inside me.

You pull back and press forward, over and over again, your cock sliding in and out of me.

"God, you feel good."

And you do. God, you do.

Your thrusts quicken as you set a punishing rhythm and I'm powerless to do anything but hang on and enjoy the ride.

And I do, oh, I do.

That soft, sweet tug at the center of my core begins to spread, beckoning me and I shamelessly surrender to it. My muscles clamp down, gripping your cock tightly as I come and with a couple more thrusts you follow me down the path toward your own sweet surrender.

Posted by SD at 8:37 PM 1 comments

For Nina...

...because she misses me. And I miss her too.

And I'm sorry I've disappeared for a spell, but I've not been feeling myself. But that aside, I do intend to post something later tonight. Promise.

Posted by SD at 4:56 PM 1 comments

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Vulnerability... my opinion, is a two sided coin.

On the one side, you've got people who have absolutely no concept how difficult it is to push past that wall of vulnerability your waning sense of self confidence has erected and put yourself out there, be it emotionally or physically, when it would be just as easy to hide behind that wall for fear of emotional injury, whether it be rejection or an off-handed comment that may or may not be innocently given, but is none the less hurtful. And on the other side, you've got those people who understand perfectly how very hard it is because they live their lives behind that wall and the mere thought of stepping out from behind it leaves their palms sweaty and their hearts racing. I typically fall into the latter of those two sides.

In my last post Freya commented that, "We can be our own worst critics, can't we?" And there are no truer words. I know that I am, without question, my own worst critic in everything I do, from writing all the way down to the image that stares back at me in the mirror.

The lovely Freya also said, "We have to love ourselves first, which is so difficult in a world where the idea is virtually unobtainable by all but the slimmest margin of woman." And she's absolutely right, as is the delectable Nina who said, "All of us are forced to be so self critical of our beautiful bodies because society has decided that a woman is not attractive unless she looks like some mans vision of the perfect female specimen."

With those odds, it's hard not to be our own worst critics and harder still to move past that wall of vulnerability we've erected, but yet there are those of us who occasionally throw caution to the wind and step out from behind that wall. And it's those who humble me because I understand the risks.

I don't kid myself into thinking that the things I write or the feelings I express here will touch or move everyone who passes through here on a daily basis, I imagine a good amount of people skim through my words and move onto the next blog or site without feeling anything at all, but when something I've written does touch someone to the point that they feel confident enough to step out from behind their own personal wall, it's an incredible feeling.

With that thought in mind, and her permission, of course, I'd like to share an e-mail I recieved from Amy of South Coast Pleasure yesterday...


Your vulnerability moved me. Your photograph touched me. I am not Gay or Lesbian. I am not a writer either. I feel that sensuality is neither male/female or straight/gay. It just is. So here I am returning to you a bit of my vulnerability.

Fingers. Fingers that gently lift the fabric of your gown to reveal the luscious area of desire.

Fingers. Fingers that gently press against the flatness of your tummy, the center, the beginning, oh, the softness of your skin.

Fingers. Fingers that point down, down, down urging, wanting, needing to touch more.

Fingers, my fingers reach, touch to explore, drawn by the power of your beautiful sexuality.

Fingers, my fingers flirt with the silky black material that separates my touch from the soft warm home of your womaness.

Fingers, fingers that find their way to the depths of your physical sensuality. Deep, inside, warm, wet, moving, throbbing, thrusting, orgasmic.


I found this incredibly beautiful. Not only that she'd share such a personal piece of herself with me, but because allowing some of my own vulnerability to slip through allowed her to share some of her own vulnerability with me as well, and now with you.

Thank you, Amy.

And though I've already told her this, I think it merits mentioning here--you don't have to be a writer to write, you just have to feel and as long as anything you write is written with feeling, there's beauty in it.

Last but certainly not least, I want to say thank you to everyone who left a comment on my last post.

OdalisqueK--I think you look fine too, sweetheart.

Nina--Size is no matter, I'll take a handful of your luscious flesh any day. And you know that I find you exquisite and oh so beautiful, don't you?

AAG--I think you're gorgeous too. Sincerely, I do.

Dane--I try not to care what others think of my physical self and with a good amount of people, I don't particularly, but because I love you, I do care what you think. Always. Thank you, darling.

Freya--As are you, gorgeous! And I'll echo your sentiment, I said so. So it must be true.

Jeff--That is such a beautiful quote you left in my comments and I thank you for adding it, my friend! And that lovely gift you gave Dane and I on your blog last night made me weepy (a good weepy). You are a prince and I adore you, you know?

Sasha--Yes, I do believe you have a point! And you're a sexy temptress yourself, sweetness, you truly are.

Posted by SD at 12:15 PM 3 comments

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Be gentle with me, it's my first time...

My ex-roommate (her and I no longer share living space but are still the best of friends) likes to taunt and tease me mercilessly because, as she puts it, I’m too insecure with my body to reveal or exhibit myself, which she thinks is silly because while I am a big girl, I’m not an unattractive one. I object to her taunts as I’ve posted a picture of my breasts twice, but as much as I object, in a very real way, she’s right. I admit it, I hate the way I look. And not liking the way you look breeds insecurity, it’s a vicious cycle, but one I’m fairly sure many women go through at various times in their life.

If I looked as she does...

There certainly wouldn’t be a problem. But sadly, the gods of shapeliness haven’t been that kind to me. Mores the pity, but what am I going to do?

Anyhow, since she vehemently insists that I’m too insecure to post a picture of myself that I feel would leave me vulnerable to negative criticism, I’m hellbent on proving her wrong (the bitch).

So because she said I wouldn’t do it--this is me, it’s only a small part of me, mind you, but it is the part of me that I’m most insecure about.

And I want to say that as a bigger than average woman, I know how hard it is to put yourself out there for fear of insults or worse rejection, but honestly, some of the most beautiful women I’ve met are women that, by most, would be considered overweight. Big can absolutely be beautiful, and I have the utmost respect for those women who know and embrace that. And even bigger respect for men who do.

Posted by SD at 8:16 PM 9 comments

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


NOTE: There were comments on this post, but I lost them because my web designer, Jeff, that prince of a man was in here fixing my template and for some reason that post was corrupted and was messing up my lovely template so it needed to be deleted. I'm sorry about the lost comments (it makes me sad), and the fact that this post is yet again at the top. Although, since I quite love the man it was written for, it doesn't bother me a bit.


We've never met and yet I am bound to you, completely--mentally, emotionally, physically; all of me, in every way.

I long for you.

Your mind (God, how I love your mind, it stimulates me, turns me on in ways you couldn't comprehend or maybe you could), connecting with mine. Talking, laughing, sharing, crying--I want that, all of it.

Your arms, wrapped around me, pulling me into you, holding me against you until our bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle who've finally found their mate.

Your hands (those gorgeous hands I adore so much), moving over me, manipulating me--my hair, my face, my breasts, my belly, my thighs; all of me, every single inch.

Your lips (have I ever mentioned that I adore those too? I do, but then again, I adore all of you, every part), pressing against mine, sliding down to skim over that same flesh your hands just manipulated.

Your tongue, soft and gentle, following the pattern your lips took across my body--tracing, laving, soothing, possessing me.

Your cock, hot and hard--in my hands, in my mouth, in my pussy--pressing against me, pressing into me, the heat, your heat, searing my flesh.

Simply, I want You. All of you.

P.S. Thank you for the inspiration, baby, I'm sorry it took almost a week to kick in. I love you.

Posted by SD at 11:28 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


...way back in January, when I introduced you to Sexy Sasha's eZine Secret Thoughts, I said that you never knew when I'd be inclined to have my wicked way with Sexy Sasha and her Scrumptious eZine again (and again and again)? Well, I do believe that time has come...


So go on now, subscribe (to your left), it won't hurt, on the contrary, with all the fun erotic stories, articles and pictures you'll find in Secret Thoughts, it can only bring you pleasure--lots and lots of pleasure.

Posted by SD at 10:21 AM 1 comments


I pulled this from my June archives for the delectable Nina because she tempts me as much as I tempt her.

This is purely fantasy, but, oh, how I wish it weren't so.

Oh, the things my wicked mind wants...

You're beautiful. So incredibly beautiful. I know it's crazy but when you look at me - just look - it's like everything else just melts away... my heart beats faster, my skin starts to burn, my muscles quiver. The range of sensations that wash through me are almost painful in their intensity. For so long I've fought the need to touch you, to taste you because I never imagined you felt it too, but here you are, laid out in all your glorious splendor... for me and God, I don't think I've ever wanted anyone as much as I want you right now but...

"I'm nervous." Your voice is soft, tentative.

"Me too." I admit, lifting my eyes to yours.

And I am. I didn't think I would be but I am. I've been with a woman before, but this need I have for you scares me.

"Are you sure..."

"Yes." I stop you. Out of all the crazy things going on inside me right now, the one thing I know for sure is that I want you. Oh God, you have no idea how much. We're lying hip to hip and I turn toward you. "Come here."

You shift onto your side, your nipple brushes against mine and I feel sparks of electricity dance up my spine. You're so soft. So...

"Fuck, I want you."

I crook my leg, lifting it up to tease your thighs apart with my knee and you close your eyes loosely. I can feel you bow back a little as your thighs part and I slip my knee in, bringing it up to press against your pussy.

"Oh God." You press your hips down and grind against my knee. The feeling of your hot, wet pussy rubbing against my bare flesh is exquisite.

I watch you, I can't stop watching you and it's so enchanting the way passion makes you more beautiful. Your satiny, china doll skin is flushed a pale, pale rose and when your eyes flutter open to peer into mine they're heavy with need.

"I want..."

"I know."

I lean in to nip your lower lip with my teeth before laving my tongue across the ache like a soothing balm. You part your lips and your tongue snakes out to wrap around mine, pulling it into your mouth. I groan, the sound filling your mouth and I bring my hands up to cup your breasts. The soft pads of my thumbs graze your nipples, sharpening them to diamond points. The weight of your breasts in my hands is incredible, but I want to feel them under my tongue.

My knee moves from between your thighs and you groan at the loss.

Our lips part and I flick my tongue over the delicate column of your neck, trailing lower until I reach your full breasts. I circle your nipple with my tongue before arrowing in on the rosy tip, sucking it greedily into my mouth.

Your hands dive into my hair and your hips thrust forward wantonly,

"Touch my pussy. Please... I need to feel your hands on my pussy."

Mmm, me too.

I slip my hand between your thighs and God, you're so fucking wet. I drag two of my fingers down through all that slippery softness, from top to bottom and I feel your body shudder. You thrust forward, pressing that soft, wet pussy of yours against my fingers and they slide deep inside you.

Your walls tighten around my fingers like a velvet fist, dragging them further into your body and I bite down gently on your nipple. I want... I need...

"I want to taste you. Fuck, I need to taste you on my tongue."

I pull my fingers from inside you and roll you onto your back. I spread your legs wide and slide down your body until my face hovers at the juncture of your thighs and, oh my, your pussy is so fucking beautiful. All that silky pink wetness just begging to be fucked. I dip my head down and run my tongue through your folds, coating it with the sweet, sticky moisture leaking from your core.

"God, you taste so good, baby. So fucking good."

I want more. I want all.

I slide my tongue back up and drag it over your clit. Fuck, it's so hard. I can feel your pussy pulsing underneath my tongue and God, I want to feel you cum. I move my hand back down between your thighs and slip three fingers inside you. You arch up, pushing your clit against my tongue and I bite down gently.

"Oh fuck, I can't..."

You snap your thighs closed and arch your hips higher, causing my teeth to graze over your clit.

"Oh please God, I need..."

Your hips begin to pump mindlessly against my mouth and I can feel your walls clamp down around my fingers. I work another finger inside you and begin thrusting them rapidly in and out of you. I lift my head as much as your thighs will allow and flick my tongue wildly over your clit.

"Oh, Fuck... Oh, Yeah... God, YES."

Oh God, I can feel the orgasm clawing through you. I pull my fingers out to slide my tongue down and press it deep inside you. Your hands come down to grasp my head and you thrust your hips up, fucking my tongue as you ride out your orgasm.

Posted by SD at 10:15 AM 1 comments